Sunday, October 2, 2011

Giraffes can't dance

Gerald is one of my favorite characters.In this book Gerald is a giraffe.He can't dance.When the jungle dance comes he feels very sad.Every animal laughs at him at the dance.One year after the dance a cricket tells him that anyone can dance you just need the right song.After he heard that he believed that he could dance.He started to dance.All the animals said that he was the best dancer that they had ever seen.I love this story.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Olivia and the missing toy

Olivia is one of my favorite characters. She is funny,smart and caring. In this book Olivia has lost her toy. Who could of took it? Could of her little brother Ian have taken it? Or her brother William? When Olivia was practicing her piano she heard an awful sound. The sound got louder and louder and of course she followed it. And thats when she saw it.It was......THE DOG. And he had chewed her toy to bits. Olivia is a good character.